
An energy of the Universe, Arch Angel Michael is very vocal about many issues of the world, but also very interested in helping each individual with his/her daily challenges. One of our favorite things to do is introduce you to your angels, guides, and teachers in spirit. If you are open to feeling the energy around you, as we introduce the name, that spirit can let you feel their energy (consider your angel giving you a beautiful, loving hug....enfolding you within their energy.)
- Conversation with your Angels, spirit guides, teachers, family members / friends in spirit
- Past lives (how they affect you in the present)
- Present, Future
- Soul Rescue
- Loves
- Business & Financial
- Earth changes
- Reiki Master
- House / Business clearing of negative energy or earthbound spirit
- "Meditations For Sale"
- "Book For Sale"
- Private Readings (in person and phone)
- Business Consultations
- Workshops / classes
- Energy healings
- Past Life Regression
- House Blessings
LIFE READINGS..... $135..... Approimately 1 to 1-1/2 hour reading channeled by Michael. It covers before birth, past lives, challenges, past, present, future, health, relationships, agreements... all major elements necessary for a successful life.
NEW ADDRESS, same phone & website: Dale Epley, 6060 Maria Ct., Russellville, TN. 37860, PH. 423-254-2085, www.angelspeak.net
Email Dale