"Daisy, My Life as a Joy Guide"
by Daisy, channeled by Dale Epley

As a fairy guide, I am here to help you understand more about your world and mine.
My life as a Joy Guide began many centuries ago when I chose to help individual humans learn about the possibilities of their lives on Earth. Dale and I co-wrote my book, and I know it has a lot of information that can help you in many ways.
From Pam Beckley, Lawrenceburg, KY.
Congratulations on your book! Pete and I bought it and read it and it was so well done. Each topic was well written and easy to understand.
from Sue D., of IN.
I received your book yesterday and just finished reading it. Of course I need to put some of the suggestions into practice. I'm still trying to hear/distinguish my guides. I did, however, talk to Daisy last night and asked for the name of my joy guide. Is it Jasper? You told me about Jasper in a reading years ago and I hadn't thought about the name in a long time but it came to me last night.
Meanwhile, I did enjoy the book. It was a little unusual for me to hear everything from Daisy's perspective. I do, however, intend to pass this book on to my friends and co-workers so they, too, can benefit from it. I'm just not ready to let go of it yet. :)
I especially enjoyed the part at the end with the stories from clients. I think you could write a whole book that included only that type of info and I would be glued to it. Congratulations on creating such a useful tool!
from L.T. of OK.
I got your book about Daisy. I've only read about 16 pages so far, but it's great! When I listened for the name of my Joy spirit, I heard the name Meranda. Don't know if that is right, but that was the first name to pop in my head.
from B.D., of Owensboro, KY.
I am going to try to get this down on paper before I forget the details. I bought your book, Daisy, yesterday and spent part of the morning reading it. I realized then, to really get the full benefit from the book I would have to do the meditations and seek answers to my own questions. The book is not for entertainment, even though it is enjoyable, it is a tool. A tool to help us connect to our own spirit guides. We can use this book as a tool to help unclog our pipes and become conduits for the world.
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