Messages from
It is so easy to focus on the problems that exist in our world that we often forget to be aware and thankful for the positives and pluses we have.
February, 2025
Michael: Today we are going to speak about the next step in your journey. We are showing you one of the ways to progress into your Spiritual future. By being open to possibilities, you will find the answer to many of your questions without going through Dale to get to me. I am here for each of you.
The easiest way is to follow your heart and your interests. If you are focused on business, that is good. But you need to spend some time developing your Spiritual awareness.
There are classes you can take. In those classes are many different ideas and attitudes. Don’t lose your own, just accept the things you learn that you fully trust and believe. Never take someone else’s information if it does not feel right or real to you.
Meditation, especially with a group, is an excellent way to allow. That is how Dale began her journey many years ago. It helps to quiet the mind to allow your people in Spirit to gain access. So begins a magical journey.
Not everyone will be successful (in their own minds, which creates blocks), and yet… everyone has the ability to open their own psychic abilities more. Be patient, allow time, and know once you start this journey with your people in Spirit, it will be never ending, unless you want it to be.
Take time to learn who you are and why you are. Let that be one of your questions during meditation. For now, take your time to adjust to the new energy that the Universe is providing. It can feel like quicksand at times, and a floating cloud at others. Roll with it and know the best is yet to come.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Melchizedek: It is time to have an understanding of just who you are. Each of you have come on Earth to experience something different, to learn, to grow, to continue your education.
At your true home, you will find peace, love, contentment, harmony, respect, and so much more of what you are looking for while on your Earth journey. It is not impossible to find these things on Earth… it is just very hard, but the things you encounter are important.
Suppose you have a partner that represents a mild manner most of the time, but not the love and awareness that you would like from a partner. It is important to realize that the mild manner may be hiding an inner turmoil that might surface as the relationship grows older. Keeping your distance, even leaving to make a new life for yourself might be the answer, unless there are strong reasons to stay and put up with the outbursts.
You have to weigh your options. Do what you feel is best for you and any others that might be involved. Again, keep your distance and watch what you say to that person. It would be best to be cordial and nothing more until the issue might pass.
Find things to do on your own that you might enjoy. Join outside groups you might find interesting. Try to find enjoyment in your life in spite of disharmony. Be prepared to allow the tantrums without showing your own emotions. Practice makes perfect.
Talk to your Angels, talk to God, try to forgive your partner because there is always a reason for their actions and it is usually based in fear. As the person ages, it could be more of a mental issue. Watch carefully and recognize signs of Alzheimer’s or any number of other illnesses.
Do what you can to keep yourself healthy and in balance. Remember that there are those in far worse positions than you more than likely.
Find time to be who you want to be and to do what you want to do.
God blesses those that are patient and kind to those who are not.
Maggie: A day without love is like a year without sunshine!
Bartholomew: When life seems disruptive for any reason, just remember as I have said in the past… if you are ‘down’ right now for any reason, it will soon be time you will be on the ‘up’ part of that curve and life will be easier.
Just be patient and know you are safe. Practice patience!
On another subject, try to understand that when life is hardest is when you need to try to trust. There are those of you in abusive relationships and are afraid to move on for many reasons. Keep the faith, pray for your escape, and realize that there will be a time… your time… for peace and joy in the future… even while you are still on Earth.
Lily: Sometimes life on Earth gets a bit topsy turvy, meaning it can be a bit confusing and even unbearable. The most important thing you can do, as long as there is no threat to you in any major way, is to allow, then proceed to stay calm.
If you are calm, it will usually help the situation. Peace is an important aspect of happiness and joy. That peace sometimes only comes from you. If you can maintain an aura of peace in and around you, the issue will usually disappear. Keep in mind, if the person is one that usually finds fault, it will not stay peaceful for long.
Be sure to work on the inner you to help you release the anger and hurt you may be feeling. If you do not, you will be brought into the fight as well.
Metatron: In a world that is often unforgiving, it is important to remember that each of you are here on Earth to bring Light and balance to help all.
When you recognize your own mission, you will finally begin to understand your own value as well as other’s.
Becoming aware of your worth can often help you with that very hard request for Unconditional Love of Self and Others.
Begin by honoring those you believe to be worthy, then follow by working with that request for others you have a hard time with.
One idea is to honor and pray for the soul of those that have hurt you in any way. Ask your Angels for help, that help will always be there, but you have to let them in.
January, 2025
Michael: From the beginning of time, there have been weather related tragedies. With the changes Earth has been going through, it seems that those tragedies are worse, yet if you do actual research on such things, you will find that the opposite is true.
It is time to realize that most of you do not really pay attention to tragedies in other parts of the world, and only focus on your immediate area or country. Earth is a vast place, it is seen as a ‘whole’ to those of us in Spirit, even though to you humans it is broken down into different countries. While it is impossible to envision as we do, you can get an idea of what I speak.
Weather related issues will be calmer for 2025. Yes, there will be good and bad, but the bad will not be a plentiful or as harsh as in previous years. Pay attention especially in your own area, many of your weather-related information can be compared to previous years, it can be an interesting journey.
Recognize also, that the cumulative energy that each of you create can actually have an affect on the weather. When many people create anger or negative emotions of any kind, it can actually create problems in the atmosphere. Also… remember that we have talked about how your individual energy can have an effect on others you meet as well.
Your world would be a happier and healthier place if more people would just be careful about the mood they are in and try to be more positive daily.
The bywords for 2025: patience, joy, love, communication.
Melchizedek: A new year… one to remember for many reasons. Did you know that a new year means a new you? New possibilities, new ambitions, new opportunities, and new Blessings coming your way.
You have Blessings daily in your life. So many of you are in a state of non-recognition that you do not even see or realize the many Blessings in your life. I challenge you to check the things in your daily life that are good or can be considered a Blessings. Write them down and see if you can add to the list daily.
Please don’t live the short life on Earth that you have in a state of disapproval or depression. Try to see the good in all things. When something seemingly negative happens, ask God what the positive in that happening might be. He will answer eventually, after analyzing the situation.
Give time. Allow the days, sometimes years to pass… but somewhere, someway, you will remember the situation and understand more, maybe even understand that there may be a Divine gift in it for you.
Lily: In the beginning, there was Light. This new year of 2025 is a revision of that information from the Bible. The Light is coming to Earth stronger and stronger, it will help people in many ways, and one way is to help those of you with health issues. It might relieve some symptoms, it can help to heal as well.
Even on darker rainy days, that Light energy will be there for you. Try to take time to feel that energy, you might just sit quietly and try to visualize the Light penetrating all areas of your body. That actually does help to strengthen it for you and it also helps you to open your natural barriers to accept the healing energy.
This Light energy has already begun, but in a milder strength to help each of you get accustomed to it gradually.
So much is up to you individually. Make an effort and know that there are Miracles happening daily.
Grandmother Earth (or some call me Grandmother Spirit): I became ‘Grandmother’ centuries ago when I chose to bring in help. For instance, as I was one energy, Earth was easy in the beginning. Now, as the energy of humans and all they bring and build, I felt that the division of responsibilities was necessary. Now there are many that are called ‘Mother Earth’ and all are a part of me, much like a business in your world with a boss and many employees, but these are all loved employees.
My message to you is to look for ways to help others, to help Earth. There are so many ways to express care. Be observant, read about others and what they do to help others, be encouraged.
I do want to speak about some of you that are concerned about your new president drilling for oil. The only thing to worry about in that regard is where some areas are prone to cave-ins. The best way to look at beginning the oil drilling again is that it will help your economy greatly and will save loads of money that is being spent on depending on importing from other countries. It will also open more jobs for many. Just try to focus on the positives because there are many.
Finally, there are times when terrible things happen, whether it is in your part of the world or somewhere far away. Always send prayer and positive energy to them… it truly does help. There are few that understand how valuable your own outlook and energy affect others worldwide.
Your Earth journey can always be more positive if you make an effort.
Lily: Hi: It’s me again! I forgot to mention that the Holiest of Holy is always available to work with you, speak with you, hear what you have to say, to help you if He is not invading your own journey of experiences that you created with your Higher Self.
Bartholomew: A 2025 Happy and Healthy year to each of you. Blessings await.
Paul: Pay attention to your health each day. Begin with how you are feeling, if it is low… release all negativity, if you feel ill… go back to bed, if you feel well/good… thank God, the Universe, and your Angels because they always create the best possible reality for you. You are the one that is in charge of you.
Metatron: As each day passes, recognize that the best things in life in your journey on Earth is that you chose to come to Earth to experience many things, easy and difficult. Also, that you are that Light…. That NEEDED Light to help Earth transition. You are very valuable.
Maggie: In this whole world, the possibilities are endless… your life is endless also. Just remember when your life on Earth ends, your real/true life continues at your true home with all those you love and revere. You will also have access to all of your loved ones on Earth.
In trusting and believing these words, you can create a life on Earth that is without fear of death… because there truly is none.
Life on ‘the other side’ is waiting for each of you, but you chose to come to Earth for many reasons, as has been discussed often.
The reality: You are a visitor to Earth, it is not your home. Be a perfect guest: clean up after yourself, help others when needed, remember to say thank you to all of those that help you, remember to be a loving guest… especially thank Mother Earth for her hospitality.
And most of all, remember that “With God All Things Are Possible”!
a cleansing of past and present by Michael
This is a time of cleansing... not only of each of you that are willing... but of Mother Earth, herself. When you hold on to painful memories, they only become infected and grow in intensity. Letting go is an absolutely beautiful way to begin the new year.
Begin now to write down all of those things of the past and the present that you would like (and need) to let go of. Include everything you can think of ... people, memories that are painful, experiences of pain or embarrassment... search your heart, soul, and mind to add to your list.
Do this daily, or as the memories come forward, until December 31st. At midnight on December 31st, hold your list firmly between your two hands, as if in prayer. (If you are one of those that cannot ‘make it’ till midnight, please be reassured that you can do this exercise anytime. It is in your own mind and effort that doing it at the end of the old and beginning of a new year might mean something more special to/for you.)
Focus positive, loving energy toward your list, while asking God’s love and Grace to allow you to release these things. Having created a safe place to burn your list ahead of time, it is now time to do so. Drop your list into the fire, as you continue your request of God to help you to release. If you cannot burn the list, just tear it in pieces or shred it.
March 15–April 7, July 18–August 11, November 9–29
December, 2024
May all your dreams, hopes and wishes come true this Christmas.
blessings from lily, bartholomew, angelo, Maggie, Michael, Michael,
Metatron, Paul, mother earth,
and all of us that work with dale.
Michael: In these times of uncertainty, it is important to remember that you are of the Light. You chose to be here now to do whatever you can to bring that Light to others, whether it is just your immediate family or many, many others.
If you feel you are not a value, then it is time to look at your own Blessings, where you are in your life and how you are managing your life. You are on Earth for many reasons and you are very valuable to those that love you, but most of all you are valuable to God and to all those in Spirit that have ventured to Earth with you to do what they can for you.
Things are seldom perfect in all regards. There are those that are far worse in so many ways, yet… here you are. Maybe you have certain pains and things you cannot do as you did in the past, but if you are not suffering some debilitating disease then do count your Blessings.
The best things in your life on Earth are your own abilities, your thoughts, your desires to complete this life on Earth and return to your True Home safe and sound. You will.
Yes, so many of you do have health issues. Remember to keep working toward healing yourself, and remember to ask God and your Angels to help in whatever way they can. God and your Angels will not interfere with anything you and your Soul/Higher-Self created for you to experience while on this Earth journey, but they/we will do what we all can.
Find time to learn more about the things that you find an interest in, for instance a friend may be talking about something interesting or you may see something on TV that draws your interest. Explore… help your life become more exciting. New journeys may end quickly or they may lead into a major life change. Remember… you are in control.
Learn your own powers. Your own ‘magic’ to help yourself by praying and listening, meditating and listening. Follow the positive thoughts that come to you. Know that all things are possible with God.
Nataugua (Incan healer): There are many areas of life that each of you need more than your human physicians. One is when you become overwhelmed with life (in any way) and begin to shut down to your life on Earth. While this actually does happen more than you realize, it is important to realize that each of you already do have your own healer in Spirit (like myself) to help you on the energetic level.
It is not always easy, but we do what we can to guide you in the directions that can help you best. Often the problem is when you second guess the thought processes that come to you. Some of you can hear our voices, but most of you do not or do not recognize that we are with you to help.
Finding the right way of working with each of you is always a work in progress till you are very old and return to your true home. Life changes, life is a challenge, life is hard and uncertain, it is also exciting and often joyful… but life on Earth is a journey that you chose, then all the other choices you make come into play, which adds to the complications.
Today, Dale and I used sage to promote clarity and remove negative energy and toxins in her home. The toxins are anything within that creates discomfort, even from the animals that live with you. The sage smoke cleans the energy beautifully. There are other ways, of course, but Dale prefers the sage. It also helps to promote peace and calm.
If someone in your home objects, just wait until that person is gone for a few hours, then proceed. The smoke disappears quickly and scent of the sage will be gone by then.
Continue your Earth journey by finding the good, the positive in all experiences. It is always there, though usually hidden and hard to find at times. Learn to help find the joy that exists in each day.
Bartholomew: Here we go on a new journey. Most of you do not realize that you are tied into world energy, your American energy as well as your own personal history and energy.
Whatever you are feeling at this moment sets the stage for your future. Are you elated? Angry? Disappointed? You ask ‘why’ at this moment… because you are in transition. The moment you read this article… check who you are and your feelings, check if you are ok with life or some negative energy.
If you are feeling anything other than peace, satisfaction, or ok…then you need to make a change for yourself. YOU are the ONLY one that can do that. Yes, prayer helps give you the push you need and sometimes the direction you need to go. But YOU are the wind in the sail of your ship. SO much control, but it is only for yourself. Practice different feelings and settle on one that you would like to direct your future.
Now, know that we… your people in Spirit… will do what we can, but you have to be honest with yourself and decide what you want in your future. If it is peace, then you have to create it around you. If your peace creates discord in others, then try compromise. Try to bring peace to the whole.
Life is not a battle, though it does seem so at times. Life is what you make of it. The choices you have made have brought you to who and where you are at this moment. It might change tomorrow, but right now is all we have to work with. Be willing to compromise.
If something has happened so disrupting to you that you find it hard to compromise, then continue to pray for help in releasing the pain and anger you are holding on to. It only hurts you.
For now, just realize that the future is yours and how you create it. Never give up. You have the opportunity for change daily.
Melchizedek: For now, it is a time of joy… of renewal. As the days move forward, do what you can to create that joy in your life. If you are suffering in some way, do what you can to correct the problem. If it takes surgery, do it. If it takes certain exercises or certain foods… do it. If you have experienced grief of any kind, forgive yourself for not letting go. Continue to do what YOU can do to let go and ask God to help you release the pain… and anger.
Your life is literally in your hands.
Melchizedek: In addition, I would like to congratulate all of you that are trying to do a good deed for this Christmas season. Suggestion: If you have an unused coat of any kind in decent condition, you might put it in your car and offer it to a homeless person that looks in need.
Lucian (one of my husband’s Guardians): When I first came to work with Jerry, I also wanted to help Dale in whatever way I can. I have the beautiful gift of communicating with animals, so if you have questions about yours during a reading with Dale, I offer my unique help as well.
God’s Blessings to each of you.
Lily: So many things happening in your busy lives, and with the Universal energy coming to you and Earth at this time, it will seem that time has sped up even more. Yes, it is an illusion, but if you feel you cannot keep up with the day to day needs or deadlines, don’t worry. Things will get back to more of the normal you might expect starting in January.
It is also a time of year that your immune system decides to be sickly, so look up what a body might need to keep yourself in top condition. Recognize that covid is not as rampant as it was, but is still around. Just try to stay healthy and avoid large gatherings if possible.
We're all just walking each other home.~~ Ram Dass
NEW ADDRESS, same phone & website: Dale Epley, 6060 Maria Ct., Russellville, TN. 37860, PH. 423-254-2085,
Email Dale