The Angels Speak

Channeled by Dale Epley

The Angels Speak

Channeled by Dale Epley

Messages From Michael
 Archangel Michale by Michael Waters

Michael Waters, Artist
This link connects you to the artistry of Michael Water. He created the beautiful image of ArchAngel Michael on this page.

Messages from On Wings of Love logo Newsletter

It is so easy to focus on the problems that exist in our world that we often forget to be aware and thankful for the positives and pluses we have.



April, 2024

Michael: How do you proceed for the year 2024? I suggest you take it one day at a time, be open to new ideas and challenges, see each day as a clean slate... ready with a smile for all. By starting your day on a positive note, you are already a winner... no matter what might happen.

Finding peace and acceptance in your heart and mind can often be the biggest challenge of your life. It does not come easy. You need to be prepared to think of it daily with any challenge that comes into your life. The upside will be more peace and enjoyment, and can actually bring more happiness into your life.

Try not to dwell on world issues, or even your own personal issues. When something comes to mind that is unsettling, try to remember to say a prayer for that happening and let it go. You have no control over anything outside of yourself, but if it is a personal issue you need help with, talk to God, your Angels or Guides, or a therapist. Sometimes even a trusted friend can help, but truly, a professional can help more.

It can take years to reach that acceptance of your life. You might feel that all your dreams are gone, but I tell you that if you are still in a physical body, still breathing, then you have amazing possibilities ahead. Never give up on your dreams, always be open that tomorrow could bring a gift... even a miracle. They are a reality!

Lily, Bartholomew, and Melchizedek: In an effort to help each of you understand the present energy coming to Earth (and you), we feel it would be very beneficial to explain a few things.

1) Change... we've talked about this in numerous newsletters. It will affect each of you differently. What has been a normal routine may suddenly change. Relationships can suddenly get stronger or worse (give it plenty of time to recognize which is in your life). There may be a new diagnosis of some illness, but we pray this one will not affect many or any of you. Children may suddenly change... want more independence or less... become more clingy. Even your animals can be affected, just pay attention and see how.

2) More people will be leaving Earth for their true home... some will be seen as quite healthy and of all ages. It is up to their souls and God.

3) You will learn of more miracles happening in people's lives... we like this one.

4) Advancements in medical science will help cure some of those diseases, and if not cured... will help offset some symptoms. Parkinson's disease is one that will have major improvements over the next two to three years. Certain cancers will be helped as well.

5) Weather changes have already started. Less harsh storms and Earth disasters... not all eliminated, but better.

6) Finally, there will be some major changes in America's leadership.

The basis of any change is an elemental thing. For instance, if you have a good friend and suddenly that person distances him/herself, it could be that person is feeling the energy and on an elemental level does not understand, which often creates fear and/or anger. Give that person time, most of the time (if it is only the Universal Energy affecting that person) they will come back to be your friend again. The main thing here is to wait, watch, and forgive.


Lily: For now, just remember that all changes are actually positive, even if they do not seem to be at the moment. It's time for your 'trust' to kick in and know in your heart that you will see and feel the positive soon.

Metatron: Ask for help in finding your way into your future. Know that you are not on this journey alone. In time you will find that the energy will help you more than hinder.

For those of you healing from any major issue, take it easy, but don't just sit or lie around all the time. Do get exercise... start out easy, but help it to get stronger weekly. Don't just quit... do what you can without harming yourself. You will find much satisfaction with the outcome.

And last, be prepared to try new things. Look for the opportunities that exist daily in your life and take advantage.


Bartholomew: Today is the beginning of a lunar exception... one that will help to create more abundance in so many directions... good and some negative.
Whatever comes into your life can be a challenge, but you are not alone in facing your challenges. You have your people on Earth... family and friends, and you have those of us in Spirit that love you dearly and will do all we can to help you through all your life challenges.

When you chose to come on Earth, you made a list of things you wanted/needed to experience. Then as the human you are, these experiences will often come to you in the form of challenges. It is up to you in your free will to face them and do what you can to solve or get past them.

We can often help, but you need to remember to ask for our help. Without your asking, we do what we can... but we can always do more with your asking for our help. Simply ask God, ask your Angels and healers to do what they can to help you in any way they can.

Be prepared for the changes that you hear so much about by being open and to accept with an understanding that even perceived negative changes can create the miracle you need and want.

Solar eclipsed plus more
Deborah Williams, Astrologer 859-468-4335
( Debbie and I used to share a booth years ago when I did psychic fairs)

April 8, 2024, in the sign of Aries, we will have a Solar eclipse (when the sun and moon are in the same placement). This is a total solar eclipse that will be powerfully visual in the United States, this will bring changes of the unexpected and powerful opportunities out of the blue. Keep your temper in check. Wake up to huge changes!

On March 25 we had a beautiful lunar eclipse this was in the sign of Aries and Libra full moon this brought strong emotional and deep spiritual need challenges with relationships and changes,,, this was/is a strong inner process. It deals with the subconscious and dreams, and can bring you connections to past lives and past relationships.

Mercury Retrograde April 1 to April 25 (happy April fool's day).This is to take place in Aries... all these happenings affect all cardinal signs... Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Just expect fun opportunities and changes, like it or not, make your goals lists. Mercury will help you rethink your choices and bring helpful adjustment.

Mercury Retrograde often creates misunderstandings, gossip, and be careful with your electronics. Travel could also be a bit challenging... be sure to check your cars if travelling a long distance. Could hear from someone from the past... good or bad.

March, 2024

Michael: Finding time to work with your physical body and your immune system is very important to your health and well being. Most of you do not recognize that you can actually talk to the different facets within yourself and there is a response.

For instance... if you have had major trauma in the past, it has affected you and will affect you in many different ways. Dale's particular trauma came from a previous marriage to a verbal abuser... for over 20 years, and that created Rheumatoid Arthritis, among a few other things. It was years later that this illness came into being, so if things are happening in your life now, you might not connect it to past stress. That marriage was an attack on the immune system with the constant 'good/bad' behavior from someone that was supposed to be trusted.

So look at your past with new eyes and understanding. Is there some illness happening in your life? Be prepared to scrutinize the past with new understanding and try to understand it is not too late to correct the damage.
Now, back to talking to the different facets of the self. We have mentioned this often in the past. Whether you are clairaudient or not, it is important to communicate within the self. The facets Dale works with are: Mental Body, Physical Body, Emotional Body, Spiritual Body, Ego, Heart, Sub-Conscious, Chatter Box, and Soul Incarnate.

Emotional Body takes on most of the trauma, which in turn, connects to all the others. And even though the Immune System was not mentioned as a part of the Inner Self... ALL issues will affect the Immune System, so we need to add that one to the whole of the Inner Self.

For instance, if something happens that creates fear, anger, or uncertainty in your life today... your Immune System will feel the energy as a threat. You can read about the Fight or Flight situation... if you feel that energy enough, it will begin to undermine your Immune System, and eventually create some physical, mental, or emotional issue for you.

Try to recognize the feeling that brings on anxiety. It might be hidden under layers of protection and surface from some innocent happening, but it will be traced back to the trauma of past or present.

When you feel this 'feeling', first work with your Emotional Body. Express compassion and sympathy, imagine Emotional Body is a child standing in front of you and give her/him a hug. In fact, you might, then, ask all of the Inner Self energies to come in for a group hug.

This might feel or sound silly to you, but it will be well worth the time and effort, truly.

Metatron: Do you believe in those elements of miracles that you read about? Think really hard on your life. Have you felt you have experienced a gift of the Universe, the Angels, God?

The fact is that each of you experience miracles daily. You are in a physical body, breathing naturally, doing all the things you do daily without even thinking about it. THAT is a true miracle because it is all alien to you, your soul.

There are many reasons to journey to Earth, we have discussed this in the past. But the main reasons are for the experience and to help be a point of Light for Mother Earth. Many Light Workers answered Mother Earth's request for help to offset all the negative energy permeating her at this time.

Such valued help is paying off because her energy is becoming more clear. As you Elders of Light return to your true home, there will be a different kind of Light Worker energy coming in to help. These newer energies will expand and connect in many different ways, but they will all be able to create the kind of energy needed.

For now, it is important to realize the really awesome, fabulous miracle that you are and know that each of you are so very valued.

Lily: Your abilities are not just your own. Each of you are connected in so many ways... even to the Universal energies, to your Angels and Guides. This is a year of many surprises for most of you, so if a new idea is presented to you... TRY IT!

So many opportunities are available in this new year... new energy. Incorporating new ideas and activities into your life is really important for your health and wellbeing... beginning with new exercise plans. If you are typically a home body, push yourself to join a gym, hopefully you have one near you that would be appropriate. If you can afford it, get help in organizing a proper workout for yourself. As always, go back at least 3 times to give yourself time to know if you want to continue, and do please make an effort to keep it up.
Also, it's important to try to eat and drink in a healthy way. We, your guides and Angels will help if you ask. There are many things we can help with if you are sincere.

This can be an exciting adventure into your future knowing that the energy of the Universe... and we... are here to support your endeavors.

Melchizedek: For some time now, we have been discussing the energy coming into Earth... and you... from the Universe. All this information can be an overload and can actually make you tired, so when you feel tired, even for no apparent reason, rest. Important to your well being is to pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Yes, I do realize that many of you will be working in a place of business where it might be impossible to rest when needed, but if you will close your eyes and breathe deeply for a minute or so, it will actually help. Also, if you sit at a desk a lot, get up and move around a bit. This can be done without anyone really noticing... unless you do it too often.

Begin to pay more attention to you. In your prayers, include unconditional love for yourself as well as others. You might be amazed at what your prayers can do to help you in many ways.

Look for reasons to congratulate yourself, be happy about something you have done or thought each day. Know it is time to think highly of yourself... God does, so should you.

Now, with that said... be prepared for many life changes over the next few years. Learn to start each day with that bubble of protective, healing Light surrounding yourself, and be positive. The more you start your day in this way, the more you will find each day easier to live in.

Bartholomew: As Spring is beginning in some parts of the world... remember to honor the new and the renewed. That includes YOU. You are constantly being renewed with new opportunities to experience, and that is at any age... even 100 plus.

Begin to look at options daily. Pay attention to your thoughts, and recognize that your thoughts often are a reflection of your dreams, so when a negative enters your thoughts, pass it on to God, your Angels, the Universe, Mother Earth... where ever you usually put the negative. Do NOT hold on to them.

Recognizing that your thoughts often reflect your dreams of the future, you should honor them, don't doubt... no matter if you can afford them at this time or not. You never know when your own 'miracle' will happen.

In that, as said earlier... try to see the many miracles of each day that appear in your life. Know that you are valued and worth a miracle or two that are very unusual to experience.

Know in your heart that the best is yet to come!


Be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
Maya Angelou


April 1 to April 24
August 4 to August 27
November 25 to December 15


We're all just walking each other home.~~ Ram Dass


NEW ADDRESS, same phone & website: Dale Epley, 6060 Maria Ct., Russellville, TN. 37860, PH. 423-254-2085,
Email Dale