Messages from Newsletter
It is so easy to focus on the problems that exist in our world that we often forget to be aware and thankful for the positives and pluses we have.
August, 2024
Dale: Over the years, I’ve had a few poltergeists visit, and always called on Michael for help. This time one of my granddaughters had the problem. Alex called me yesterday to tell me that a couple of nights ago, they couldn’t find the TV remote. Thinking they had misplaced it, they tore the house apart, but still couldn’t find it. The next morning, it was on the kitchen counter. That happened again the next night, and same the next morning… it was on the kitchen counter. The next night, Vance put it in his pocket… it disappeared. That is when they called me.
I asked Michael to check on it for me. He found George, a soul that was in the house when the kids moved in a few months ago. George was fine being anonymous for months, then decided he wanted to let them know he was there.
Michael brought George back to our house to meet me since he had not met a human that could hear him. He said his body had been dead about 50 years, he had been an architect (of sorts) and he loved the little house that the kids bought. The babies and cat just added to the fun of being there.
Michael talked him into going home, to the Light and escorted him there. George did come back to visit me this morning and asked me to apologize to the kids for upsetting them.
Michael: There are 3 things to know about poltergeists: 1) usually harmless, 2) love to get a reaction (any reaction) out of a human, 3) hard to get rid of without help.
George was relatively easy… he was ready for a change and had been wanting to go ‘home’ to the Light, but he was enjoying himself also by ‘playing’ games with Alex and Vance.
He is safe at home now.
He actually came with the house, but had been in and out until he decided to let them know he was there. He felt gratified that they knew he was there and was the one creating issues.
From The Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary: (German polte, “noise, racket,” geist, “spirit”.
A noisy, playful, quick-moving discarnate SOUL-MIND from the Etheric World who manipulates physical objects in unexplainable feats; entity is difficult to perceive clairvoyantly but his or her presence can be felt; desires attention and that his or her Ego be fed; Displays his or her presence by doing mischievous, boisterous, harmful or harmless acts or by doing playful kind acts. Poltergeist’s feats defy all laws of gravity.
Michael: Some are able to take items (make them disappear), but are unable to return them. It takes much more energy (and know how) to return items. George was very adept at both.
Prayer is a wonderful way to keep your home safe from such invaders. Also, surrounding your home and family with Light with that prayer.
Metatron: When a soul’s physical body dies, of course, that soul has choices. There are many reasons one might not go to the Light, but most do. Souls like George that decide to stay on Earth a bit longer are sometimes confused about what they really want to do.
George was a kind soul, a gentle man in body, as well as in Spirit, so he only wanted attention when he started to hide the remote. Those that are not harmless can create major problems and it will take major help like Michael to get them to let go.
Michael and Dale have worked with many such energies in the past. Michael has even had to surround the negative energy with his golden rope to remove them to another dimension, but they were often able to reason with those negative energies without such tactics.
One thing that is important to know. The more fear present, the stronger the negative energies become. It is a conundrum that such things happen, but they do. The best thing is to remove yourself from that space if it should ever happen to you. Find help either with a priest, a true Native American medicine man, or someone like Dale and Michael that can work with and clear the energies.
It can be a fascinating study, but a bit scary if you encounter such things.
The one thing to remember is that yes… prayer is powerful, but often times prayer is answered by using common sense and finding some help locally.
Metatron: Another subject: Find time to learn more about yourself by allowing yourself to ‘just be’ and see what you are guided to do.
Melchizedek: Things that happen when you are very young often return in various ways when you are older. For instance, if you had an illness when you were 2 to 5 years old and overheard adults talking about how serious that illness was and even mentioned death, the child heard, took it in, but was too young to understand. Then, many years later when the word ‘death’ was more understood, that individual might start having nightmares connected to the childhood experience. The same goes for abuse of any kind as well.
A child misses nothing… will hold it deep inside the psyche until it may eventually come out in some way. Most of these instances are not greatly harmful unless there is anger attached to the memory that might involve hurting others in some way.
Understanding these kinds of things would take a full course in how the unconscious mind works. The main thing here is to help you understand that if you have re-occurring nightmares, they may be based on something that happened in your childhood or even some past life, which is another course of study.
Those of us that came with you to help you through the life you have on Earth can do very little to help, so if the episodes should get really bad, try to get help from a professional.
Bartholomew: I have had many involvements with just such a thing as Melchizedek is speaking of. One of which involves my own childhood in one of my lives on Earth. Mine was mostly a misunderstanding and harmed me in my involvement with other people.
In my youth (approximately 8 years old) I was very active and involved in many activities. One of those was my inability to sing well, but I loved to sing and did it often. In one of my music classes, my teacher actually asked me not to sing with the others.
I realize now that she only meant for that one song because I could not seem to harmonize with them, but it hurt my feelings so badly that I did not sing with a group again. I was devastated at the time and that memory stayed with me lifelong.
Innocent things can hurt more than you realize in words and/or deeds. So do please be careful.
Lily: In the old days, say…1800s… there was little time for teens to get into trouble because they typically had to work for survival. It left little time to explore or to be bored, but there were some that led a life of leisure because of family circumstances and those were usually the ones that did find trouble in some form.
In your world today, there are so many ways to find trouble that young people need to be more aware of the many traps that can ensnare. An innocent invite to a party could turn into a death trap if there are drugs present. Even drugs that have been safely used before can turn deadly if the ‘creator’ of said drugs added something more harmful… intentionally or not.
It is hard to help young people understand the dangers when it comes from a parent because they usually half listen or not listen at all. The best teachers are other young people or someone that has been through the experience and survived and changed their lives.
Having kids stay busy with house chores or volunteer work, or even finding or creating a job would help greatly. Even that is not always the answer, and a parent cannot be with a child all the time, but trying to introduce them to the right kind of life… one that involves religion of some kind or activities that they really enjoy can help, but the only true help you can offer is prayer.
Some souls start out wanting to experience the ‘wild side of life’…there is little you can do to help with that kind of child because he or she will seek out problems to experience. Try to understand that from teenage days and going forward in their lives is mostly out of your control. If they become a true problem, protect yourself and don’t feel guilty.
July, 2024
Thursday, July 4th… Happy Independence Day, Ya’ll!
Michael: There are so many things to experience on your Earth journey… birth and death are a major part of those experiences.
If each of you could embrace the joy of a friend or loved one heading home, you would be extremely happy for that person… not sad or feel a loss. Especially if that person has been ill or confined in any way. That getting to go home is true freedom at last, really something to celebrate. And celebrate they will! There will be many to welcome a soul back home, a huge party and reacquainting with all those that were left behind for the Earth journey.
One just needs to remember that Earth is not your true home… it is a journey away from your real home and is temporary. As one enters the Hall of Light, that individual will already feel and know the familiar… what to expect, people waiting to greet them, old friends from home and friends and family that are from the Earth journey that have already returned home.
Now, that is real excitement!
Yes, there can be sadness at leaving loved ones behind on Earth or unfinished business, but there is also the awareness that all is right and all is alright and just as it should be.
At first, it can be a mixed bag of emotions, but that does not last long as one realizes that they can still visit those loved ones that are still on Earth. No, it is not the same as being in body with them, but the opportunity does exist.
Find time to search your heart if you have recently lost a loved one to death knowing that the person that has gone home is truly still alive in more ways that they ever were while on Earth.
Catherine, Angel of Light: Knowledge of Life after death of the physical body that has been on Earth is an elemental thing to each of you when you decide to come to Earth… or any other planetary system that a physical body can survive on.
Many times, the issues that are discussed before becoming the human you are, do not include how the physical will die… just that it will let go of Earth on or around a certain date or time frame. The element of surprise is actually an exciting thing to you while you are still in the planning stage. Then, here you come to Earth, and that element of surprise is more frightening than you thought it would be.
Things change so much in your knowledge and your way of thinking as you enter the gravitational pull of Earth. There is more uncertainty and fear once you become the human you had planned. The element of adventure disappears in your everyday life of survival, and so many of you lose the joy you had when you were planning your life before entry to Earth.
To regain that joy would be such a gift to yourself and to all those around you, but life can be hard/harsh and it is hard to keep up with the wonder and excitement of just living.
While it is important to work, to be serious about your life, it is even more important to regain the childish wonder and excitement about possibilities. Time to plan and explore, try new and different things.
As you grow older, you need to realize that as long as you can stay active and relatively healthy, you are Blessed. Being able to move around freely without major pain is a true miracle, especially when you get into your 70s and 80s. Taking care of yourself is the number one priority and recognizing that each of you have come to Earth with numerous ‘caretakers’ and they are with you when needed.
Your caretakers are carefully chosen from your closest friends and ‘true family’ in the planning stages, as well as a few Elders that will fill many positions as needed. There is no lack of help, but sadly… most of you do not even realize that all these helpers are with you.
So many things to experience, to take back ‘home’ with you, so many things to review when you do finally get home again.
Your life on Earth may seem like a long time as you are living those years, but to those of us that are sharing it with you, it is not long at all.
Metatron: Sometimes, there are those people that you love that become addicted to drugs or alcohol so bad that they become people that are NOT the people you love anymore… literally.
When a person becomes severely overcome with either, they open themselves up to the negative element on Earth that are always looking for a new ‘home’, and often the addict unwittingly becomes that new home. The loved one will take on mannerisms unlike their own, they can become spiteful and mean and can possibly do harm to others, and if you get in their way… that harm can be toward you.
By allowing and forgiving, you are feeding the negative actions. If they are unwilling to get help… getting off the drugs… there is nothing you can do other than pray for them and stay completely away.
There is no easy answer for those that choose this path to enter. It is harsh and will eventually kill them in some way, whether it is by overdose, major physical illness, total mental illness, etc.
For some, it is a chosen path by their own soul to experience. As such, they will have choices to make and some will actually change and heal, but most do not.
So many of you have lost friends or family members to some kind of addiction, do be reassured that God will not turn away from any of them in the end. He will always welcome that person home as well.
Lily: When Dale was a little girl, I… Lily… used to play with her. It was a natural thing for her and I was devastated when she grew older and didn’t recognize me anymore.
Of course, I got over my disappointment and stayed busy doing what I came to Earth with her for. We, as Angels, can also be disappointed. That is the main subject of this short story.
We come to Earth with you, play with you as young children, recede into the background as you grow older, then eventually help you home again when your Earth journey is finished.
The exciting part to this story is that Dale reawakened to our world at some point as she grew older. Most of you do not, but if you do… or at least make an effort to communicate with us… we are totally thrilled.
We find it reassuring that the connection is not totally broken, that efforts are made to find your way to our world again… even though most of you don’t realize you were in our world to begin with.
When you can find peace and acceptance, at least to some degree, in the world and environment that you now live in, you have made a major step forward. It is with honest approval and love that I can say, “We are so proud of you!”
When you can do that, things will begin to smooth out in your daily life, and often there are great surprises in store.
We're all just walking each other home.~~ Ram Dass
NEW ADDRESS, same phone & website: Dale Epley, 6060 Maria Ct., Russellville, TN. 37860, PH. 423-254-2085,
Email Dale