Welcome To Our Website!

I am a channel of Michael Darius, a facet of Arch Angel Michael.
It is our endeavor to reach as many people as possible to help them heal mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Remember, please, to send mother earth love. Remember her in your prayers... it is vitally important at this time.

- We have many meditation tapes & CDs for sale.
- Our monthly newsletter, "ON WINGS OF LOVE" is now FREE through email... those of you that would like it through regular postal service can email me for a sample copy, but the yearly cost is $15. Email Dale
- DAISY, MY LIFE as a JOY GUIDE' (book) is a wonderful introduction to the metaphysical world from one of my guide's point of view.
Regular Readings
15min... $35
1/2 hour... $55
1 hour... $95
Life Readings
$135..... Approimately 1 to 1-1/2 hour reading channeled by Michael. It covers before birth, past lives, challenges, past, present, future, health, relationships, agreements... all major elements necessary for a successful life.GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE

NEW ADDRESS, same phone & website: Dale Epley, 6060 Maria Ct., Russellville, TN. 37860, PH. 423-254-2085, www.angelspeak.net
Email Dale